Adult Forum April 2015

April 5– Easter Sunday No Adult Forum

April 12 — Discussion led by board of Worship on the Sunday morning schedule survey results

April 19– Kevin Powell–Measles: The duty to vaccinate and the virtue of tolerance
Dr. Powell, MD PhD FAAP A pediatric hospitalist and clinical ethics consultant, will help us explore the tension between acting responsibility according to the Golden Rule and accommodating dissident views, with an emphasis on the authority of science in public policy.

Leah Gunning FranciApril 26– Dr. Leah Gunning Francis “Ferguson, Clergy, and the Faith that Fuels Their Lives” Dr. Gunning Francis is assistant professor of Christian Education at Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. She has recently been asked by Chalice Press to write a book on clergy involvement in Ferguson, and what churches can learn from these experiences. She will discuss “ground perspectives” of local clergy about the theological and practical understandings of their engagement, and what they learned about what it means to support emergent young leadership in the church and society.

Mary WorksAdult Forum April 2015